2012年11月8日 星期四

關於淨空法師所說的 2012 年 12 底將會出現黑暗三日的個人想法

節錄其中部分內容就是:「我前天得到這個資訊,以前我沒有看到。科學家有個報告,說科學家終於確定了,二零一二十二月二十一日,會有連續三天,地球是黑夜,是地球的換紀時刻,三天 看不到太陽。就是明年,明年的今天,昨天是二十一號,今天二十二號,就是昨天。昨天、今天、明天,三天沒有太陽,換紀的時刻,這是一個太空物理的現象。不是末日,科學家終於確定,二零一二年不是末日,只不過是地球進入了光子帶。這光子帶,影響就很大了,讓地球產生很大的變化,但在完全進入的一瞬間,我們會 在三天的零度空間中度過...」

從影片中可以知道,淨空法師所說的科學家就是美國太空總署 NASA,至於黑暗三日的謠言來源,網路上可以找到一些線索:
1. 葉列寧彗星效應:來龍去脈和解釋請參考網路天文館官網,再加上這篇論壇文章中提及有人預測葉列寧彗星將於 2012/12/21 與地球和太陽形成一直線,導致世界黑暗三日。由於時間上蠻符合的,我想淨空法師所說的內容應該是源自於這些謠言吧!
2. 這篇文章裡提到有謠言說 NASA 曾警告大家 2012 年 12 月 23 到 25 日將有三天的黑暗期:
警告訊息範例 #1:
As posted on Facebook, Aug. 4, 2012:

NASA predicts total blackout on 23-25 Dec 2012 during alignment of Universe.

US scientists predict Universe change, total blackout of planet for 3 days from Dec 23 2012.

It is not the end of the world, it is an alignment of the Universe, where the Sun and the earth will align for the first time. The earth will shift from the current third dimension to zero dimension, then shift to the forth dimension. During this transition, the entire Universe will face a big change, and we will see a entire brand new world.

The 3 days blackout is predicted to happen on Dec 23, 24, 25....during this time, staying calm is most important, hug each other, pray pray pray, sleep for 3 nights...and those who survive will face a brand new world....for those not prepared, many will die because of fear. Be happy, enjoy every moment now. Don't worry, pray to God everyday. There is a lot of talk about what will happen in 2012, but many people don't believe it, and don't want to talk about it for fear of creating fear and panic.

We don't know what will happen, but it is worth listening to USA's NASA talk about preparation. Whether it's true or not, better be prepared. No panic, stay calm, just prays. Remember to smile more, love more and forgive more...every day. Better avoid traveling during December.

==================我 是 分 隔 線==================

警告訊息範例 #2:
As posted on Facebook, Sep. 14, 2012:

NASA America predicts total blackout on Earth from 22-25 Dec 2012 during alignment of Universe.

If possible, please avoid traveling during the third week of December 2012 as all modes of communication may fail.

US scientists predict total darkness on planet earth for 3 days from Dec 22 2012. It is NOT the end of the world, it is just an alignment of the Universe, where the Sun and the earth will align for the first time. All planets are expected to align in a straight line as a result of which there could be some natural calamities on Earth. The earth will shift from the current third dimension to zero dimension, then shift to the 4th dimension. During this transition, the entire Universe will face a big change, and we will see an entire brand new world. The 3 days blackout is predicted to happen on Dec 22, 23, 24, 2012.... So do good be good live for the present enjoy life.

我猜想淨空法師可能是看了深信此謠言的信徒或朋友提供的資料才會有影片中的發言吧!但是呢,上述謠言已經由 NASA 官方嚴詞駁斥了,內容在這裡

另外 YouTube 上還找得到另一則謠言,說「NASA總部在6月10日以緊急作業(Emergency Operations)方式發了一封家庭的個人應變計劃電子郵件給它的所有聘雇人員,引起各方的揣測,網路流傳,是不是NASA預測將有甚麼重大的災難即將發生?」這個謠言也已經有人將它破解,文章在這裡囉。

關於淨空法師對於 2012 災難的講經影片,還有一段:

內容提及銀河週期是 5 萬年,而當銀河中心的黑洞和太陽以及地球連成一直線的時候(銀河對齊現象),由於黑洞巨大的引力,會使得太陽表面的太陽風暴變成很大的風暴(活動更為劇烈的意思?)並影響地球上的通信設備(破壞)並使得海水上升(海嘯?),海底火山和陸上的火山也會爆發(原因呢??),造成地球災難四起...


內容是說銀河週期目前是 2 億年多(目前仍無法確定)而非 5 萬年,銀河中心的黑洞和太陽以及地球連成一直線的情況也是每年年底都在發生,這段期間地球也都沒有發生什麼災難...


2012/12/26 更新:結果沒世界末日是吧!?淨空這樣直接引用網路上的謠言來當作講道內容實在不可取,根本沒經過求證就亂引用,搞得信徒人心惶惶,2012/12/21 之前我們家庭不知道經歷了幾次激烈辯論,就因為媽媽一股腦兒地相信他,說什麼地球會有大地震大海嘯之類的,又說啥淨空不是會亂講話的人(引用謠言還轉述散佈而不查明還不叫亂講話,那怎樣才叫亂講話!?),不論我們怎麼解釋勸說都聽不進去,真是個禍亂來源僧...
